Apps Sensation Apps

Jamia Islamia Center 4.0.1
Apps Sensation
The Jamia Islamia Canada is dedicated to the cause of Islam inNorth America through striving to the image of Islam and Muslims byproviding the authentic information about Islamic beliefs, historyand culture.JIC Elementary School has a vision of a world where people learnto respect, accept, and embrace the differences between us. Webelieve the children are our future and each and every child hasthe potential to bring something unique and special to the world.JIC will assist children in discovering who they are, so they canexpress their own opinions and nurture their own ideas.
Islamic Foundation of Toronto 1.400
Apps Sensation
Established in 1969, the Islamic Foundation ofToronto (IFT) is one of the oldest Muslim organizations in Canada.It began as a 3000 sq. ft. building at Rhodes Avenue initiallywhich was later transformed into the towering institution that itis today.
Linear Shipping 1.401
Apps Sensation
Linear Shipping is a premier NVOCC &Freight Forwarder managed by a highly professional team having overextensive experience in the areas of ocean transport. We providefast, easy, and professional shipping. We have excellent rates forMiddle East, Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia. Linear Shipping andits exclusive network of like-minded agents, at origin anddestination, ensures professional service at both ends of theshipping process.
Suhaib Webb 1.399
Apps Sensation
Suhaib Webb is a contemporary American-Muslimeducator, activist, and lecturer. His work bridges classical andcontemporary Islamic thought, addressing issues of cultural, socialand political relevance to Muslims in the West. After converting toIslam in 1992, Webb left his career in the music industry to pursuehis passion in education. He earned a Bachelor’s in Education fromthe University of Central Oklahoma and received intensive privatetraining in the Islamic Sciences under a renowned Muslim Scholar ofSenegalese descent. Webb was hired as the Imam at the IslamicSociety of Greater Oklahoma City, where he gave khutbas (sermons),taught religious classes, and provided counselling to families andyoung people; he also served as an Imam and resident scholar incommunities across the U.S.From 2004-2010, Suhaib Webb studied at the world’s preeminentIslamic institution of learning, Al-Azhar University, in theCollege of Shari`ah. During this time, after several years ofstudying the Arabic Language and the Islamic legal tradition, healso served as the head of the English Translation Department atDar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah.Outside of his studies at Al-Azhar, Suhaib Webb completed thememorization of the Quran in the city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Hehas been granted numerous traditional teaching licenses (ijazat),adhering to centuries-old Islamic scholarly practice of ensuringthe highest standards of scholarship.Webb was named one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in theWorld by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in 2010 and hiswebsite,, was voted the best “Blog of the Year”by the 2009 Brass Crescent awards.Suhaib Webb has lectured extensively around the world includingin the Middle East, East Asia, Europe, North Africa and NorthAmerica. Upon returning from his studies in Egypt, Webb lived inthe Bay Area, California, where he worked with the Muslim AmericanSociety from Fall 2010 to Winter 2011. He currently serves as theImam of the Islamic Society of Boston’s Cultural Center(ISBCC).Suhaib Webb Official App allows you to:- Stay unto date with Suhaib's Previous and Upcoming- Articles- Videos- Facebook Activity- Twitter Tweets- Contact Form
Islamic Society of Delaware 4.1.1
Apps Sensation
Islamic Society of Delaware (Masjid Ibrahim)is the largest Islamic Center in the state of Delaware. Sinceopening its doors in 1991, ISD is committed to provide qualityservices to the Muslims in the Tristate area. It is open for thefive daily prayers. The two Friday prayer are attended by close to1000 people. More than 280 students attend the evening and weekendIslamic classes.ISD provides the following additional services to MuslimsCommunity it serves:- Hifz and Quran Reading Program- Ramadan Community Iftars, Taraveeh prayers and Eidain- Weekly Halaqa and Community Education- Youth and Social Activities and family Events- Welfare and Sympathy Support- Dawah and Interfaith programs- Marriage and funeral services
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf 1.01
Apps Sensation
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Andorid app for thefollowers
Malton Masjid 1.400
Apps Sensation
Anjuman-E-Anwarul Islam of Malton (MaltonMasjid) in the centre of Malton (7 minutes drive to Toronto PearsonInternational Airport) that has served the community since 1989.Services offered:-5 times daily prayers for over 200 worshipers-Fridays, Eidain, Taraweeh prayers for 800-1100 congregators-Islamic teachings for over 270 students including Hifzclasses-Seminars on interpretation of Quran, Ahadith and Dawah-Marriage and family counseling-Highly structured recreational activities for youth andadults-Financial support to many worldwide charities-Assistance in disaster relief efforts
Quran & Sunnah Society Canada 4.0.2
Apps Sensation
The Qur'an and Sunnah Society of Canada (QSSC)is the Canadian affiliate of the Qur'an and Sunnah society of NorthAmerica (QSS) based in the U.S. The QSS is distinguished by amethodology implemented by the righteous predecessors (as-Salafas-Saalih) of this Muslim Ummah, the noble companions of theProphet Muhammad (s) and those who followed them in excellence.Our Goal is to invite people to Islam and the Sunnah, help themunderstand it, practice it, and purify themselves by it, all inaccordance with the blessed methodology of the blessed Salaf.This app was created to provide access to the following in aconvenient manner:-Prayer times-Event updates-Live streaming to mobile devices and tabletsAlso providing-GPS Based Qibla Direction-Easy Social Media Connectivity
Masjid-El-Noor 4.0.2
Apps Sensation
Established in 1986, the Masjid-El-Noor is oneof the oldest Muslim organization in Canada. Situated at 277 ScottRd, Toronto ON. Initially was a church which was later transformedinto a towering institution that it is today.It moved beyond a neighborhood mosque and grew into amultidimensional center that would serve as the hub to unite theresidents in the surrounding community.Services offered:-5 times daily prayers for over 200 worshipers-Fridays, Eidain, Taraweeh prayers for 500+ congregators-Islamic teachings for over 270 students including Hifzclasses-Seminars on interpretation of Quran, Ahadith and Dawah-Marriage and family counseling-Financial support to many worldwide charities-Assistance in disaster relief effortsFor a complete details on all Services offered visit
Masjid Usman 1.399
Apps Sensation
Masjid Usman has produced a stream of devotedvolunteers and citizens who came forward with their resources andendless commitments.History was in the making when the Centre was officially openedAugust 24, 2008. The mosque with its dome and minarets became oneof Pickering’s landmark sites and a living testament to the faith.This marvel was designed by renowned architect Khalil Syed,symbolizes Islam’s enduring legacy of balance, peace and harmony.Services offered:-5 times daily prayers for over 200 worshipers-Fridays, Eidain, Taraweeh prayers for 800-1100 congregators-Islamic teachings for over 270 students including Hifzclasses-Seminars on interpretation of Quran, Ahadith and Dawah-Marriage and family counseling-Highly structured recreational activities for youth andadults-Financial support to many worldwide charities-Assistance in disaster relief efforts
American Moslem Society (AMS) 4.0.1
Apps Sensation
Historical Background:The mosque of the American Moslem Society was established in 1937.It is the oldest mosque in the State of Michigan, and alsoconsidered one of the oldest mosques in North America. The athan orcall to prayer is transmitted via outside loud speakers—the firstMosque in North America to have this distinction.Since the mosque plays a vital role in the lives of Muslims, manyMuslims immigrants established residence near and around the mosquearea. As the community’s population continued to grow, so did themosque. The mosque has evolved from a small house to a buildingthat occupies 48,000 square feet.YOUTHChildren today are under constant pressure from a popular culturethat glorifies violence, drugs and debauchery. With the advent ofthe internet, the hazards to our children have increasedsubstantially. In the midst of this relentless onslaught, AMS workswith parents to provide children the necessary tools to avoid thepitfalls of drugs, violence and other destructive behavior.Promoting self-discipline, honesty, morality and respect for eldersamong Muslim children is an integral part of AMS. AMS strives toprovide children an alternative environment to that of drugs,violence and other crimes by promoting education and volunteerism.Another way to provide such an environment is to organize outdoorrecreational activities during the summer. This serves a dualpurpose of providing children a safe and fun way to interact witheach other and a way to promote an active and healthylifestyle.OUTREACHAMS is committed to outreach activities to our friends andneighbors of other faiths. AMS arranges open houses, hosts seminarsat local libraries and distributes Islamic literature to educatepeople about the true message of Islam. AMS is honored to receivemore than 1,000 visitors of our non-Muslim friends each year. AMSorganizes a yearly Humanity Day during Ramadan where our non-Muslimfriends and neighbors are invited for an iftar dinner. AMScontinues to work with local and state government to foster aspirit of cooperation and mutual respect. Through these outreachprograms, AMS hopes to build stronger relationships with neighborsand government so that we can work together to improve thecommunity.
IPC Jame Masjid Mississauga 1.0.3
Apps Sensation
This App helps you stay connected with our Masjid. You can see thelatest Salah times, updates on the website and other websitecontent. This Masjid is open for the five daily prayers. The Fridayprayer is attended by close to 1400 worshippers. More than hundredstudents attend the evening and weekend Islamic classes. We alsoattract over 125 students during our summer program. Servicesoffered: - Prayers and Practice of Islam - Islamic Education -Youth Activities - Social Service Activities - Welfare Support andHelping the needy
Bin Abbas Mosque 1.400
Apps Sensation
Bin Abbas Mosque services Toronto west areawhich has a fast growing Muslim population. Since its initialopening in 2002 Bin Abbas Mosque has dedicated service to worship,education and community services.Find out about Bin Abbas Mosque activities within the masjid,Learn about service offered by the mosque.
Better Body 1.399
Apps Sensation
Too many of us neglect our health andwellbeing. Most of us lead a busy lifestyle which impacts personalcare.Better Body offers you a way to start taking care of yourselfthrough our wellness programs; providing services such aschiropractic, acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy, fitness,personal training, custom orthotics and much more.We strive to make your health and wellbeing a priority.
Brampton Islamic Center (BIC) 4.0.1
Apps Sensation
BIC/BSIA previously was purchased by membersof the Muslim community in 2005. Since then the mosque has growninto a vibrant Islamic Center that embraces the multiculturalism ofBrampton. With the blessings of Allah (Subhan Wa Ta’ala), the dreamof an organization and a community began to unfold.The mosque has a large prayer hall and adjacent multipurposehall which is used for recreational activities and communityservices. In addition to the 5 daily prayers, there are 2 Jummahsalahs conducted every Friday because of the size of ourcongregation. There are other spiritually enriching programsconducted throughout the week by local Imams and Scholars. BICstrives to maintain excellent relationships with community leaders,law enforcement, William Osler Health Centre – Brampton’s Hospital,and other community service providers. Our goal is to fostermulti-cultural awareness in Brampton and persevere to represent theMuslims in Brampton as exemplary members of the community. Wesupport charities locally as well as worldwide disaster reliefefforts.We encourage Muslims to be guided by the Quran and hadith andseek Allah’s pleasure in serving one’s family, one’s community andenvironment and remembering Allah always in every word andaction.Help us in attaining our dream of establishing a multi-purposefunctional community centre and masjid that will better serve ourfamilies. We look forward to you and your family joining ourcommunity for the many activities our center offers.Services offered:-5 times daily prayers-2 Jummah Salah conducted every fridayApp Offers- Qibla Direction- Live Prayer Time- Complete information about BIC
Muslim Association of Milton 4.0.1
Apps Sensation
Muslim Association of Miltonis registered withIndustry Canada with the Letters Patent granted in August 2006. Anofficial Business Number (BN) has been granted to MAM in order tosimplify and streamline the way MAM deals with the federalgovernment.Charitable status was granted to MAM in November 2009, with theeffective date of charitable status retroactive to January 1, 2009.As a charity, MAM can issue tax receipts for donations made inaccordance with the income tax laws governing charitabledonations.Milton Masjid is also registered with Industry Canada and is ownedby Muslim Association of Milton.
Islamic Society of Toronto 1.0.2
Apps Sensation
The constant influx of Muslim families into Thorncliffe andFlemingdon Park area continues and increases the diversity of ourcommunity. The Islamic Society of Toronto is committed to providequality services to members of our community. The community’scontribution is essential in this time of tremendous growth andprogress. Come and join the effort as we all grow together.
Al-noor Islamic Association 4.0.1
Apps Sensation
l-Noor Islamic Association of Regina wasestablished in 2008. The Associations Full-time Hifz Programme hasbeen committed to provide students with excellent Islamic educationaccording to the Quran and Sunnah, based on high moral and ethicalvalues in an Islamic environment since 2008.An Islamic environment is defined as a place in which studentsreceive instructions and guidance in sound moral values and a placein which dedication to Allah (SWT) is nurtured.
IDRF 1.399
Apps Sensation
IDRF (International Development andReliefFoundation) is a Canadian, registered charitableorganization,formed in 1984, that is dedicated to empowering thedisadvantagedpeople of the world through emergency relief andparticipatorydevelopment programs, provided without discrimination,and based onthe Islamic principles of human dignity, self relianceand socialjustice.Emergency Relief and RehabilitationWhen there is any major natural or man-made disaster you canhelpIDRF support the survivors with urgently needed and lifesavingitems.Afterwards, join rehabilitation efforts such asre-buildingdestroyed homes, schools, etc.DevelopmentIn a world where poverty overwhelms communities inmanycountries, with illiteracy, malnutrition, lack of cleanwater,diseases and preventable deaths running rampant, IDRFprovidesDevelopment assistance, primarily in the form of Literacy,Health,Water, Sanitation, and Livelihood Development.Support IDRF with your generosity and caring and, as"PeopleHelping People" reach out and help poor people improve theirownand their children's lives.Above all, help keep their human dignity intact.Islamic GivingIDRF accepts Zakat Sadaqah, Fitrah, Fidya andQurbanicontributions and disburses them judiciously, in accordancewithreligious obligations and Canadian legal requirements.Donation receipts, tax creditable in Canada, are issued foralldonations over $10 Cdn.SELF RELAINCE SOCIAL JUSTICE HUMAN DIGNITY
Ali Pervez Mehdi 1.399
Apps Sensation
Ali Pervez Mehdi, son of a renowned artistofPakistan, the late Ustad Pervez Mehdi.Ali was born in Lahore, Pakistan. He had his training inclassicalmusic from his father and his grandfather at a very tenderage.When he was 19 years old he received khitab of 'Sur Mani'from'Prachin Kala Kendra' in Chandigadh in the name ofPt.VishnuNarayan Bhatkhande, an architect of modern Hindustanimusic.Ali's official performance was at the age of 16, and since thenhehas performed and toured around the world, India,Bangladesh,Scandinavia, Russia to name a few countries. Currentlyresiding inDallas Texas, Ali is still pursuing his first 'Love',the love ofmusic.
Sakinah Community Center 1.400
Apps Sensation
The Sakinah Community Center is anewmulti-purpose community space which provides both membersandcasual users an opportunity to participate in a varietyofreligious, educational and leisure activities. The location fortheSakinah Community Center is at 1430 Birchmount rd, inScarborough,Canada. The property is an astonishing 72,000 squarefeet andideally located at a major intersection easily accessibleby carand public transportation.Over 100+ parking spacedFiber Optical Cable into the buildingPremium Office SpaceClassrooms and Conference Board RoomsWith this App you can keep your self up to date of upcoming eventinSakina Community Center and get involve with loads ofhalal-socialand religious activities being help on dailybasis.Our aim is to better address the diverse needs of theMuslimcommunity. We aim to achieve this goal by providing varioussocialservices, facilitating health and fitness activities andbuildingstrong youth and families through education and an islamicbasedframework.Features of the Sakinah Center app:- Access to prayers times- Special events updates and notifications- Live transmission- Browse hundreds of our event images- Contact our admins are now tab away- Find location and get direction
Jame Abu Bakr Siddique 4.0.2
Apps Sensation
The Scarborough Muslim Association isaNon-profit, registered charity located in the centre ofScarborough(East Toronto) where over 140,000 Muslims have settledand theMuslim population is growing rapidly. It provides thefollowingservices to Muslims since 1984.Daily five times prayer Fridays, Eidain, Taraveehcongregationalprayers. Over 2000 Muslims attend our congregationalprayers.Islamic School teaching Muslim children Quran’ic recitation,HifzulQur’an, Aahadith and moral Islamic values.Family and youth counselling.Dawah programs.Marriage and funeral services.
Islam 114 Dawah Group 4.0.1
Apps Sensation
Islam114 is an international Dawahorganizationworking to educate and inform the wider society aboutthe true andnoble message of Islam.What does the ‘114’ in Islam114 represent?114 stands for the 114 chapters in the Holy Quran. TheQuran(literally meaning “the recitation”) is the central religioustextof Islam. Muslims believe it to be the final revelation fromGod.At Islam114, we thought what better way to learn about Islamthanthrough the text that grounds all of religion’s corebeliefs.
Khalid Usman 4.0.4
Apps Sensation
Khalid Usman, by profession, is acharteredaccountant with over 40 years of business experience. Heserved asa Municipal Councillor in the Town of Markham for nineyears(1997-2006). He is serving on the Board of Markham DistrictEnergyInc. from 2000 – to date during which time significantplanning andbuilding of the system was being undertaken inconjunction with thegrowth of Markham Centre. He is also the chairof finance committeeof Markham District Energy.
Jubilee United Church 4.5.1
Apps Sensation
Get it now! The official app of JubileeUnitedChurch. Listen to sermons, watch ministry videos, access thelatestinfo on events– and much more. All of these can help you“BeChrist’s Person in the World,” at work, at home and whereveryouspend your
Al-Ansar Center 1.0.7
Apps Sensation
Al-Ansar Center is proud to provide you this service at yourfingertips. Being a Masjid and a Community Center, we are dedicatedin providing all Muslims in our area and abroad Islamic andcommunity services. With this App you will have access to: -Keepup-to-date with Your Masjid and Community Center -Iqaamah andJamaa'ah Times -Instant Messages from the Masjid -Daily &Weekly Classes -Monthly Family Night Program -Yearly Events withSpecial Scholarly Guests -Directly access our LiveStream events-Directly access our YouTube and Facebook pages -Directly accessour partners and allies and support them -One click to Donating,Sharing our App and Directions to the Masjid
AMB Driving School 1.399
Apps Sensation
AMB Driving School App providesvitalinformation to the students and the instructors. It assistthem infinding the course, check the status and availability oftheclasses and let them register right from their phones. Studentsandinstructors can use several added app features in theirday-to-daylife.
PakSauga 1.0.1
Apps Sensation
Pakistan Pavilion Event Mobile App foracity-wide multicultural festival to provide an opportunityforMississauga citizen groups from different countries of origintopromote public awareness, appreciation and enjoyment oftheircultures and respect and co-operation among all Canadiansofdifferent heritage
Al Falah Islamic Centre 1.0.1
Apps Sensation
Al Falah Islamic Center is amulti-purposecommunity space which provides both members and casualusers anopportunity to participate in a variety of religious,educationaland leisure activities. The location of Al Falah IslamicCenter isat 391 Burnhamthorpe Rd E, Oakville, ON L6H 7B4,CanadaAl Falah Islamic Center is open for the five daily prayers. ThetwoFriday prayer are attended by close to 1,200 people. More than80students attend the day time Hifz, evening, and weekendIslamicclasses.Over 180 parking spaces are available.With the Al Falah Islamic Center mobile App you can keepyourselfup to date on upcoming events. By using the Al FalahIslamic Centermobile App you can get involved with loads ofhalal-social andreligious activities being held on dailybasis.Our aim is to better address the diverse needs of theMuslimcommunity. We aim to achieve this goal by providing varioussocialservices, facilitating health and fitness activities andbuildingstrong youth and families through education and an Islamicbasedframework.
Tarbiyah Islamic School 4.0.2
Apps Sensation
Tarbiyah is an important concept ofchildren’supbringing. It refers to much more then formal educationor theacademic instruction for children in a school.First State Islamic Foundation (FSIF) through TarbiyahSchool,Masjid Isa Ibn-e-Maryam and Tarbia.TV aim at meeting thatgoal.First State Islamic Foundation is also continuously workingtoproduce a stream of devoted volunteers and citizens whocameforward with their resources and endless commitments.Established in 2010, Tarbiyah School is one of thelargestIslamic Schools and largest Muslim employer in Delaware.Masjid IsaIbn-e-Maryam’s building was initially a church which waslatertransformed into a center for Islamic and educationalservices.
Tandoori Kabab 4.0.3
Apps Sensation
Pakistani cuisine is known for its richnessandflavor. Now Regina diners can enjoy the refined blend ofvariousregional cooking traditions of the South Asiansubcontinent.Regina`s TANDOORI KABAB RESTAURANT (HALAL) offersflavorful,authentic Pakistani and Indian cooking in a casual,family-friendlyenvironment. Dedicated to serving the freshestfood, the TANDOORIKABAB chefs make many of their ingredients-fromyogurt to freshpaneer-in house, and cook every meal to order:mild,medium or hotspicy.When you are in the mood to tantalize your taste buds withtheunique taste of the finest ingredients and exceptionalspices,there is only one thing to do, visit owner Muhammad Khalidand hisfamily at TANDOORI KABAB TOUCH.The menu features a variety of dishes that have been designedtoreflect the wide range of delicious Pakistani andIndianrestaurant. Teh exper chefs at TANDOORI KABAB focus onthetraditional way of cooking beef, chicken, lamb, vegetarian,seafoodand hakka chinese dishes.Today, TANDOORI KABAB restaurant is a favorite dining destinationinREGINA, SASKATCHEWAN. Our Restaurant specializes in mouthwateringPAKISTANI and INDIAN food. Using our unique combinationoftraditional spices and cooking, we work hard to bring youdishesmade from authentic recipes of the Subcontinent.We promise to serve genuine EAST INDIAN food that keepsyoucoming back for more. our primary goal is to ensure ourcustomersenjoy the tastiest and highest quality food at ourrestaurant.We also offers professional catering services and is alwaysreadyto serve your special events, whether it’s a weddingreception,corporate event, or any other special occasion. We havea variety ofdishes to select from, with affordable prices for allyour EastIndian catering needs.
IAS 4.1.2
Apps Sensation
On behalf of Muslims in Saskatoon, the IslamicAssociation of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) welcomes you to its app, ahumble effort intended only for the pleasure of Allah. Throughoutits tabs, you will explore the Muslim Community of Saskatoon.Services offered:--5 times daily prayers-Fridays,Eidain,Taraweeh prayers-Islamic teachings including Hifz classes-Seminars on interpretation of Quran and Ahadith-Marriage and family counselling-Assistance in disaster & relief effortsFor complete details on all services offered visithttp:www.islamiccenter.
London Tutors 4.5.12
Apps Sensation
This is the official London Tutors App. London Tutors (LT) andLondon Law Tutor (LLT) are delighted to announce the launch of aninnovative way to study and keep up to date with recentdevelopments. The London Tutors App is part of our humble endeavourto empower the next generation of professionals and academics withcutting edge knowledge and the skills that are at the forefront oftheir respective fields. Our aim is to elevate their prospects ofemployability in a tough job market, the London Tutors app is avital tool for those studying and researching across a widespectrum of academic and professional subjects. Key features: -Course outline detailing LT and LLT's areas of expertise and theservices we provide. - Instant access to our catalogue of lecturesand notes. - Access to the credentials of our elite team ofworld-class tutors. - An insight into our attempt to redefineprivate education globally.
Madinah Masjid 1.0.1
Apps Sensation
Welcome to Madina Masjid Mobile App.Madina Masjid Located intheheart of the City of Toronto and is easily accessible bypublictransit. Madinah Masjid is one of the oldest and largestMasaajidswhich caters to the culturally diverse Muslim populationofToronto. The Masjid holds five time daily prayers, Friday &EidPrayers, Islamic school and many more Islamic programsandactivities.